Thoughts From Another Day

The other day I thought to to stop in

for some closure. To hash things out and be done.

You weren't home. But that's in keeping

with the theme you pounded through my skull.

You were never home. All the time I was knocking

and you were vacant. Ignorant of my calls all along,

you are now conveniantly gone when I want to end it.

I don't find it coincidental. I think it is the way

you are and will always be. And that's sad for you,

and for your future love interests... But me, I don't

care anymore. And that's sad for you too. To quote

Radiohead, "It's the best thing that you ever had. The

best thing that you had is gone away" I don't intend to

come back. Despite how many times I've said that, this

time, I honestly, honestly think it's true. I don't need

closure from you and that's good... Because if I did, I'd never

get it. I hope your motifs of vacantness and utter disdain for

compassion lead you in life. Not because I'm jealous of your

obliviousness, but because I believe you deserve what you get.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hopefully this signifies the close of a chapter of my life that's brought me more despair and confusion than anyone deserves.

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