open plains

used and abused

dazed and fused

nothing left

an abyss of blue

come back in

into me

nothing but obscurity

give me what

a spiritual reality

deception replaces lust

i did my worst when i did my best

fallen back, into sobriety

within this haven, nothing last

left here on open plains

i try and try

but nothings gained

consume what i have left

i speak for you's, who can't be saved, who have no truth

rape my pate

it can't be saved

i try and try

but nothing's gained

yesterday begins a new day

something worth a smile, a mile away

vacant dreams

fallen stars

fall apart

agony heart

fein for one, one last kiss

i miss, i love, love what i've seen

set me down

set me in

actuality replaced by whats

miss my illusions

they can't be saved

here i am once again

here i am...

on open plains

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