Shadow Child

Dark Poetry

The scariest fear I have,

Is the shadow children at night.

Some sort of evil pezaz,

Sense me more into fright.

If you ever walk in the woods,

alone by yourself.

It is very certain that you could,

See them yourself.

They always hide

Behing the dark trees.

Always at your side,

maakes you want to get on your knees.

You breathe very lightly,

As the shadow children do.

Your throat becomes evry tightly,

They will see right through you.

You begin to run,

Away from them.

Its no longer fun,

Running from the children of sin.

You run into a tree,

And fall to the ground.

And the children surround thee,

And they make no sound.

The look down at you,

In the moonless night.

Think your life is through,

And you know what, your right.

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