Nosy Student

My friend and I,

Are siliently talking.

This is no lie,

This persaon is stalking.

He comes on over,

Listens to our conversation.

He leans over,

And Its a Abomination.

Try to continue,

Our One-on-One chat.

He says "Whats on the menu,

I'll catch up in a snap!"

"Get Out of my face",

I say to this guy.

Time your making me waste,

And that is no lie.

"I'm Joining the Army",

He proudly states.

"Good for you" I say,

"so get out of my face".

Watches us,

And our every move.

While we're on the bus,

He's trying to prove.

That we're his friends,

But we are not.

And to the end,

His feelings will be distraught.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To Russ....If you didn't want to know..then why did you ask?! Note to reader: Sorry i said Get out of my face alot!

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