
I am a shell. A husk. Empty.
I hurt. I am not ashamed that I hurt, even though it shames you.
I do not understand. I did not know it would not be returned.
Careful about your giving, you might end up like me.
Talking to yourself and to strangers.
Looking for love and a friend.
Believing your love has value to someone else.
Diluting your perceptions until it is all blurry and static.
Half-dreaming, half-awake, put into your place.
Show no expression. Give no reason.
Be rejected because you are a man, or a woman.
Be rejected because you are you.
Don't give your heart. They will lose respect.
Fight the good fight. That is all you have.
Pray and hope and wish and pretend someone will find you.
Before it is too late. Before you are drained completely.
Ignore your pain and don't feed the demons.
If they see your pain, they will get more excited.
Devoured alive and involuntarily. Slowly.
They will tell you how cold they are. They will show it.
Your trust will be violated little by little until you are me.
A lonely world full of lonely people. Not worth mentioning how sad that is.
When you are found, you need to beware.
Have fun and grow and be ready for the other shoe to drop.
Make your beds and bake your cakes. Think about sharing.
Don't take pride in your greed and selfishness. Be beautiful, like you are.
Give love and understanding a chance before you turn away.
Don't be angry about the pain you cause. Just stop.
I am too empty. I feel too cold. I want to be enough for you.
It seems like there is no hope. It seems like I am kicking a dead horse.
Strange how I still fall apart when I am nothing.
The uglier I become, the more beautiful you look.
By comparison. I lose this contest. Last place is my place.
All that comes from me is useless, negative banter.
Annoying banter. Weak banter. Used to have more to offer.
My apologizes and condolences for the subjection to such dog shit.
A metaphor for my naivety and puppy-love.
Beauty and the Beast. The Frog Prince. Not a fairy tale.
That's what you taught me. How life is cold and pointless.
All smiles are fake or a sign of profound weakness.
Our Inner Light is just a wish and dream: not real.
All that is in there, is flesh and blood, and an empty, empty feeling.
You need to stay away from me before your disinterest and boredom
actually kill you. I am not worth it. Take care of those who are.
Look away. Nothing to see here. Just a has-been. Just a wanna-be.

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