power flies

the grid goes down
all over town
at first it is wierd and a little scary
will the kids have food?
when will this end?
just ten minutes into it

but everything's ok we got a generator
and the gas-station is open and so is the hospital
and most governnent buildings and complexes
at night was weird and a little scary too
we all stayed up late and played with fire and talked about hunting
some folks didn't have a generator
but we're good with a car and truck and some gallons of gas
we even have canned goods, can openers, some flashlights
the night seems long even though we had fun and laughed a lot
and we asked ourselves a lot of questions
do i have the skills to keep my quality of life?
do i have the knowledge to keep my family fed and safe?
though we dared not say out loud
we filled ourselves with lots of liquid courage and hope
the government will get us out of this, like they always do
the power better come on soon..

two more days and nights pass
more of the same
just drank and ate a little too much
kind of a celebration in honor of the event
a little guilt eats away at everyone
some secrets are made
some are reveiled

two more days and nights pass
more of the same
did you hear about what so-and-so did?
we all knew and loved and trusted her and we all knew she loved her family
it didn't make any sense what she did to them
it's kind of good she's dead
how did we go through almost two weeks of food in five fucking days?
probably a bad seed among us
stealing all the food and shit
that will give us something to do when we run out of food

two more of the same pass
with i'm sorry we were fighting
we are hungry
we did all work together and took care of the bad seed
we know we can kill now
we can eat meat
remember that's why we ate the dogs?
there's even some of the dog jerky left just cut off the bad part and we can use that for deer bait
the bad seed is jerkied and hung and salted with leftover pooch
other families buried their bad seed
in honor of them in a proper way
in those families none survived
so let's go downtown and have us some fun
the boys ran out of gas downtown
only two of the three made it back

the next two days and nights were when the batteries, which we had a lot of, because of the toys,
started to die one after another
we'll be fine still hours of light before the night comes around again my friends and family
who stole the lighters?
we all went to sleep hungry that night
knowing we could trust no one
because no one had a lighter or food

the next two days, the neighbors stopped by too unexpectedly and got shot
things just got uglier
if our brother had not eaten the neighbor's heart, none of us would have eaten human flesh at all, pretty sure about that
we would not of prepared the meal for the remaining children we would not have all gone mad

day after day

the grid goes down
the grid goes down
all over the world
all over the world

one day when coming back home from hunting
tired from murdering strangers just in case they were so hungry as to kill us and eat us or bring bad energy and germs
to our family
some children some babies one grandmother all died as a result of the efforts to heal them of but often we let them sleep hungry and sicker and wondering if we would eat them if we had to
night after night
some of the children then ran away to the mountains
shocked from constant violence and violation and morbid death rituals
most of them survived and found with magic child luck a people
one group, like a family but not of blood but of one happy and healthy spirit
because they knew everyone else was dying off fighting and killing each other hungry in the city streets
running out of supplies

very few make it to where we are

like in the cities
puppets and other wastes of life have risen to short-lived positions of illusionary power with no subjects
dying hungry mobs need McDonald's and Welfare and clean water and at least some kind of health care other than
the Hospital is closed until further notice and broken windows and dank hallways
mad flies and nasty decaying friends and Aunts and Mothers and Sons, all waited for help and all the other people we will obviously never get a chance to meet will populate the planet with just death
sad thing is, you'll probably be in that lot somewhere, unable to find your way out of the city
i just wish you would let go
not be mean and selfish and kill your own family and friends because you are too weak or stupid to see through the flies
the popular sciences and societies survivers become the new fringe society
it all happened quickly and mostly quietly
these new people from the cities
need to be loved as our own
for we are few and we live as just part of Earth

Our prayers kept us alive and our prayers can help all those that survived
May they find us before it is to late for them.
For we are forever blessed with abundance and progress and good health
May our Ancestors guide them as well now
as before they were still blind
they are as children as we all are

the grid goes down and three months pass
just ten percent of city dwellers survive just to engage in global/civil war
incredible revelations were met during the battle by most of it's men women and children as they are ultimatly attempting to kill and devour one another alive
a battle so brutal and profound that years before it society's entertainment will often be about zombies and friends and family members eating one another in a sort of prophecy, like foreshadowing

some are more prepared to kill and eat their loved ones than others
numb from movies and violence self-injected into their lives for fun
no more movies and tv to feed the bloodlust and vicious insanity
the point is the hopelessness in believing that your pathetic money and job means anything when the blackout comes
as you kill your dog and your friend to cut up and cook and feed your terrified children that end up killing themselves or running away and hating you if they survive your stupidity and good intentions

scouts from the advanced peoples santuaries in the woods desended into where the cities used to be a year since the power went out
everything was grown over and collasping and everyone was long dead
nature proved to be triumphant with trees and grass growing through the streets
birds and other animals occupy the decaying buildings and houses
unbroken pieces of glass of any kind become the most valueable commodity
the art lost forever

a thousand fly generations have passed
in their buzz you can hear the stories

two days later
the flies started to die off
we stayed in our tribes
and told stories of The Great Age and it's Great Fall

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