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The true leaders of the world. Supplying all goverments. Money they trickle down. A motion like up and down. Ride it the way you get it. I know I'm weird but you'll get it. If your rich or poor it's the same. Don't matter how much you carry. Believe it so you don't drown. Breathing like a subconscious. A thought that cannot be drowned. If I sell myself to get billions. I know that way it would change. Giving away all that money I'll send many to their death. That's just my thoughts on that. I love you. You live just the way that you see it. Listen to me now. I see what you cannot see. I hear what you cannot hear. God said to me. We have nothing to fear. We will come together. I felt the pride in their aim. Sonic boom. More than windows that shatter. Yes, big bada boom now I'm talking online with a beautiful woman and she's from Russia. The type of woman of your dreams hoping that it's not fake. Reading all her letters thinking she could be the one. You know. The one that you can count on after midnight. After that final hour and a new day begins.

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