Black Hatred


Black hatred fills my veins again

Burns through like wildfire

Turns my heart and soul to ash


Fed and nourished by black hate 

Stronger it's power has grown inside

More powerful than I it has become


I'm tied down by black hatreds chains

I cannot break the grasp on me

Only with death will they no longer hold 


This internal dungeon I've created

With black hate as guard outside the gate

Behind these bars I stand though weak


I've found a way to conquer black hate

Its the only way to escape its force

The only way to break these chains 


Upon your wings I have fallen

Carry me away from all black hate

Free me from the restraints it has


I've finally found some part of peace

For now black hate can't thrive within

Cause black hate can't burn through a body that lies cold.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

No I'm not racist at all. Black hatred represents the most evil drug on the planet.

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