Mental Note

Not Sex


I want a lover who will tell me the truth

who will call me on the carpet if I run a number

who will tell me if my view is askew

but all I do ask

to the contrast

is a kind or at least loving delivery

critical put-downs turn my blood to ice

when my heart stops beating love

you know that won't be nice.

Save me from a pratfall

even tease me if you must

but don't do it sarcastically with disgust.

As for me I'll deliver any desired dose

in return, and I can be counted on

to offer it up with kindness,

that is if she doesn't prefer blindness.

In the morning upon awakening

I will look in the glass

and remind my stupid ass

to make a mental note

that if everything goes wrong today

I saw the problem in the mirror this morning

not across from me at the breakfast table,

I think it would be a pitiful shame,

if I offered up to love. . .

the blame.


6/7/2007 10:28 PM

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written 10 years ago

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