What I Want

Lesbian Erotica


I want you to give me what I want

I want you to take good care of me

I want you to keep me safe

from the world at large

I want to be able to trust you

with the darkest

with the most vulnerable

I want you to have a ravenous appetite for me

because I do for you

I want intense



and laughter.

I want a lot of things

that I never get from anyone

and you will be no exception.

So all I have

is my imagination.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one really gets real and bares my soul.

again I wrote it about the one who stirs

the lust in me

the one I really don't know at all. . . but

I think it really embodies what I want as intimacy in both love and lust

and I am not saying they are necessarily separate

I am just saying I really don't know the woman about whom the darkside of me lusts after

I don't know that she is anything like the her I imagine and therefore I don't really know if I could feel more for her if i did. What I do think I have an idea of is that, possibly, only the lighter side of me would appeal to the woman that I do think I love, and that this might be a problem, it's not like I need to fulfill the kinks, just that I might not ever feel truly known if I keep them hidden.

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