I Miss You

I Miss You

I miss you

I wish you was here with me right now

Just there for me so i know I'll be ok

I know what we had was wrong

But it doesnt change the fact that I miss you

We had a long time together, 3 years

3 long years we toiled, helped eachother through

Then i had to leave you behind

I Wanted to leave you behind

And yet I didn't at the same time

And now I'm sitting here alone

Our friends have been put away

Locked away so we cant see them

Feel them

Just knowing that they are there to bring us together again

So close to bringing us together again

If I stop fighting it

If I let it flow

Like I tell when it comes to life matters

Let the feeling wash over me and consume

Then we would be together again

Back together where we belong

Where I belong

Our friend in my hand

And you on my arm

By The Hopeless Writer

P M Jarvis

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