The things my fingers have to say while talking to myself


I'm clawing my way back to love

and trust in the universe

I had lost it for a while

or at least I feel the doubt tightening

Love, starts with the heart

ones own heart

to thine own heart be true

I feel as if I am not honoring my heart

as I want to be part of other things

but I'm tied to a really tight string

and I don't know what to do

I am living with abundance

on a high level

and yet, this world and its monetary ways

are getting in the way of my trust

It is a fearful place to be when letting go

of trust in the waves of love

Focus on my own heart

I need to refind my love for myself

Realize that this IS what I asked for

A safe place to heal

Yet I find myself distrusting

Suspicious of others

As this was prewritten

And I was told I'd have to walk away

But I don't want to 

I want to trust in it

Find myself in love with it

And realize I did walk away from it

Whatever IT was

I see what I walked away from

And I do need the rest

It's been a long hard road

I am tired


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