Hostile Is Good

I can't write a piece about war,

I feel like nobody cares anymore.

I will write about my cousin that's gone to fight.

I'll write about his anger and fears at night.

Or how about his newborn daughter,

he's not a deadbeat father,

but this country has made it harder to see her grow.

And to think he only went before he killed and died in the hood.

If you don't see the irony here, you should.

One example of how much this shrub cares

I wonder if he could bare knowing that his daughters are hurting people for no reason.

Gone for at least 4 seasons and won't accomplish anything.

Can't he see how much pain this brings.

As the troops sings,the national anthem...

land of the free, home of the brave.

Yeah so how come we pave the road to"glory" with violence.

Teaching our kids to take and because you might be stronger make your presence known.

I've heard that you always reep what's sown,

how can we take care of our own.

When he's destroying life as we know it,

if this is the greatest country in the world SHOW IT.

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