I Don't Have A Name For This Poem.

Poetry Folder.

I tired of you telling me what I can and can't do. 

Enforcing all these different rules....

What's wrong with you? 

Trying to get things right in your life... and this family. 

I see that clearly

And no ones holding you back. 

 I don't understand what you trying to do? 

Things go by so fast with you...slow it down. 


Hurry up. ...Shut up. 

The words I here you say. All day... everyday. 

Stop trying to race  against  time.

Just take baby steps at a time. 

You piss me off when you tell me what to do. 


When clearly I'm already done doing it. 

It's like.. Disrespecting you.. is the only way you'll listen 

Cause.. when my calm voice is speaking.

You act like all you here is something whispering...can't here a thing.

Yelling and screaming every night at you.

10:00 maybe to 11:00

What's your point?

What is it that you want me to do?!!!

I do everything you ask me to do??

Calling MY name.

Over and Over ...like a tape recorder.

I saying..Yes ma'am ....Yes ma'am 

Again and Again...then you run up stairs to start yelling at me again. 

What ever I do you have to question it. 

I'm not dumb but I know you think I am. 

You have your ways of telling me... getting mad is one of them. 

When your with me...it's like instant anger.

I do nothing to you.. 

I'm either in the back or

In my room.. and you always making faces at me. 

You try to bring me down...and you act like I don't see it. 

Supposed be someone close to me.

Telling me, my hair to short..

Your hair to short ...SHIT..stop repeating. 

My heart is beating....faster and faster when I'm yelling at you. 

You yelling at me. 

And when where done.. I run and lock myself in my room. 

Tears flowing down my face... like a waterfall. 

Telling God..all my flaws. 

You still act like you couldn't hear... I was speaking loud and clear. 

I'm just about done...but...I'm not a quitter.

Imma  keep going until I'm the winner. 

But... right now I'm tired of yelling 

I'm tired of crying.. so I got to try... to let those times stay behind. 

But...stop acting so fake. Acting like things are okay and there not...people wondering why I'm quiet and what not. 

Trying to rebuild myself...covering the scars and wounds MENTALLY ...you left me. 

Lie-ing to me... 

Urgh..I don't like that. 

I hear ya'll arguing and I can't believe what I'm hearing. 

Who are you? 

What is real? 

Please get yourself together..please...BOTH of ya'll. 

And after that then, I'll follow along.

Also..don't worry I'm working on me. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~ Family Issues 

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