Love. Well at least not to Me.


 Seems like at first I am the crush.

They like me.

Sooner than I can even notice them.

Then they muster up the courage to approach me.

Slowly, Suddenly they will fall in love with me.

Unfortunatley. Well at least for me.


They all say I am beautiful.

Yes me.

They all say I am special and different.

You see.

I can not deny all that talk goes through my head and I give them hope,

A chance and say We'll see.

Time will pass and I might think for a second he is the one.

They will lay with me and I will lay with them.

Staring deep in there eyes...contemplating if it is all lies.

Looking deep so that maybe they could look back

Get a glimpse into my eyes to see that , I know it is lies and soon another will reside here.

Looking deep, to hope that one can see something in me I have yet to discover.

One after the other. 

One at a time.

He looks at me.

I look at him.

He finally says, I Love You.

And I look back and repeat the same lie to him.

Then I leave and say

" You do not love me , you only thought you did."

and never speak again.

Cause that is all you see.

In between when I ask, " Why do you love me?"

They all say I am beautiful.

Yes Me.

They all say I am smart and the women of their dreams.


They all say I am special and different.

Now you see.

 If thats all it is.

That can not be love, at least not to me.

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