Faces Of Death



in peril of darkened petrified corpses exposed with maggot infested feces


demonic putrified exposed personification of distasteless membranes


they once existed as socially wandering wizards in the corporate arena


strange in habitants of the supernatural habitation beings from the damned


carmalized skulls fractured with long noses exposed to the rudimentary light


they long to bask in the vast expanse between that of space & time


flaunt gizzards in their features as if road kill exposed to death's door isolation


they once were moderate members of society living each day on their own


today their corpse is exposed as if Sundays newspaper section for the deceased


lines of forth coming revelations of darkened conclaves now await their solitude


one had a choice in life whether ib be heaven or hell to their own recall


soon they will be taken away to their sealed tombs among many others


no more choices to make their fate has been sealed for all eternity




the modern man may look at life with a difference in opinion as do scientists percieve


warped minds filled with destruction would believe that this life is all there is and then we rot..


yet faith extends a way different then that when it is the substance of things unseen


twisted souls will exist in the vain mockery of eternal torment alone in its isolation


but for the elect sake they will be taken up into heaven this is not some


one stop shopping event at your local seven eleven


the important thing is that we remain strong in faith and our belief to help us get along


Sorrowful escalades of tormented beings will be faces of death


each of us has been given a choice in this life we must face the music of its reality