
What is the meaning of a word?  How do you know how to say love if not mean it truth?

We teach one another how and what to say when asked, but forget how to listen.

Don’t you hear what the words resounding from my lips tell you a story of?

How I see the future so filled with happiness and you are with me?

Those are terms we seldom say and much less hear, our tortured lives suffer so

We walk so far to find what we do not seek, a journey with no destination

A final stop at the doorstep of death, looking to reach a rest of glorious memories

Not understanding where we have been to know where to go once we have passed on

Alone I sit and wonder how to talk, how to explain the heart felt words my heart whispers

No more do I want to steer my heart wrong, leading it down the wrong path to nowhere

Read what my heart cries to me, learn how to hear what I say when I dream at night

Leaning to the light of paths less taken and crossed, a man faceless and left to yearn

Remember when I tell you, im not about chasing you and making you mine

I’m about letting you know I care and showing you the best of who I am

A man with no fear of opening his heart and expressing his harmonies of words

Words can deceive and lies can be told but a man’s heart is yours when he speaks

June 13, 2004

Copyright © 2004 Hector J Alvarez

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