My granfathers crystal elephant

My grandfather kept his crystal elephant collection in a big glass room. They were always there, they were order by size and color, they were the most precious present you could give to my grandfather. Whenever a go to vacations, I always get him one, it makes him very happy and important. All the time I walk into my grandfather’s house he will show me his newest elephant, just as the same as the other one’s, then he will clean the window glass and close the room, lock carefully, and leave. Sometime he will put names to the elephants, sometimes he will let you touch them or grab them, and the funniest part was to hear, repeatedly, the story of how he got the first elephant in the room. When my family ask my grandfather to tell us why he enjoys the elephants, he happily, with great enthusiasm, tell us the story, we are all sitting down and enjoying the amazing story. If my grandfather is leaving town he will always reminded us to watch out for his collection and clean the glass of the collection room. I personally don’t like the collection, it is a waste of money, time, takes away room and space, specially having elephants. There was this one, blue, crystal with a lot of design elephant, alone in the room, I was very interested in it. The elephant was the best piece of collection of my grandfather, it was very original, named Rocko. I think that Rocko is very important to him because he always talks about him, it is really something. I enjoy walking around watching each of the elephants in the collection, different types and colors, and textures. The first time I took a glimpse into the elephant collection room, I paralyzed, admire, the great art work design in each elephant. My grandfather one time, count the elephants, there was about 200 crystal elephants, 100 from U.S and the others from around the word. I don’t like elephants, and the fact of having them in a room, but I admire my grandfather and it means to me a lot that collection, helps me think about having myself also a collection, enjoy the same inspiration and hard work. The most astonish thing was to see my grandpa, almost daily, playing with the elephants, it was just to amazing.

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