
In our everyday lives, we tend to forget others needs.
We stay in our own back yard and never venture outside
our gate. Forget to look at the children of the world
struggling to exist. Hardly having enough to eat,wearing 
rags for clothing, shacks for housing, and drinking
polluted water.These little ones are at the mercy of the
world. This is a shame to humanity.
   This is one of the injust happenings, The Ambassador
of Peace, looks upon with saddened eyes. We must partner 
with him to stop such iniquities

   God did not intend for it to be this way for them.
This could be our children, in a sense it is. We are
our brothers keeper. 
   We are so lucky to be born in this country. With
it's faults, it is still the most respectable on earth.
   I truely believe as we supply the little ones, God
will resupply us. For children tug at his heart strings.
When we touch a child's life, we are also touching God's
heart. When helping the children in desperate need, the
King of the Kingdom looks down from heaven and smiles on
  (c) copyright heather burns

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