dead city/alive

once there was a girl and she lived in the dead city with the dead angels. these angels were thrown out of heaven and scattered like empty cardboard pepsi cups from the local fast food chain store. scattered into hell - gray teeth to devour their souls until they were part of the stomach of hell that poisons us all. then they were gone. you cant see past teeth sometimes.

the trucks nearly take off your noses and for a girl there were many hungry eyes. hollow eyes. waiting to take you into hell as they once had been (and havent returned from) because you cant see the sky where you have fallen from its hard to know that there is anything but gray. and hunger. hunger for something more in a city with hamburgers that might be last weeks roadkill - dog, cat, or bird? No colour flies through the city but a streak of blood. Pooling on the pavement with matted blonde child hair. When you are six years old and a beautiful puppeet. with cord around your neck. and not knowing hell already. not stuck yet. so its best to die when you can still fly. But do you have to fall?growing old? by what is seen and what other people can do to each other?

angel was a magpie. she collected anything that sparkled in the stormy sea of gray busy noises. she had glued glitter around her mirror so she woke up in a star each day. she tied ribbon from left over birthday presents, metallic and crinkled and damaged up her arms and legs like a mad ballerina, or a love warrior. she strung gauze from wire and attached it to the roof.

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