Electricity = our enemy

Convinces us we have power over everything/Everything is ours at a flick of a switch/Convinces us to live a thousand miles from loved ones/without it we would not do such a thing.

Electricity is a lollipop a stranger gives us for comfort as he molests us/Between him and me there is a table of distance /And I cant feel something until it happens/then its too late

Him and me its all so electricity.

Cant live without its constant humm as it destroys everything real to me/ Habits of relationships/plays we have to act/but only feeling it now/turn on the light

no relief from science/darwin would like Scneder - as I sit in my tower a million miles from anyone/at least in a real but mental sense/realise how much distance I have put between me + the human race.

It just went back on like that with all click, beeps and humms/ High pitched electricity/technology is my comfort blanket in the extreme doom of my life.

Doctrine - too much compromise/realise need to get in touch with rest of world/ DO what YOU want not him/life's too short to hang on to the comfort of electricity at night/im locked in this cage, isolated during the day/you've put him first too long

Your love feels strange/hardships go on too long/you have submitted like a dog for a bone who will do anything to get it./you were such a girl!

I walked in the sun/now a shell of what i used to be/no wonder its hard to let him love you when you dont love yourself/all your values you held that are dear to you/you sacrificed for him.

relationships are odd as he showers me with endearments/cant give them back without feeling like its my duty too/he seems nothing more than my best friend/sexually sqeamish upon touch/wanting to want/knowing i should want when I am left in the darkness/knowing the moment to be fleeting as once back, will i still want?

i need it to gone to reaslise how great it is.

still is

(random weather - a sign. odd thing to happen).

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