The Cure

I want to leave

I dont want to stay here

For every sickness there is a cure

My cure is written elsewhere

and here is its posion

There is an array of weapons

in front of me

Not for against the poisons

but to take me to a cure

And I wonder if I have the strength

to push those sharp ends into my flesh

and maybe connect to my heart

and know and wonder if I can push it through that too.

I guess I'm not happy with life

even when people arent screaming and fighting

I never see the purpose in it all

There are so many questions

left unanswered

and I want to know what will answer it

the poison or the cure?

which may hurt as much as the poison but doesnt last as long.

I dont think I have the strength to take my life and hold it in my hand

then drop it

But god, I'm tettering on the very edge of life's little ledge.

She think's I'm thinking of an apology

I'm only thinking of death and life

and whats behind it all

I'm not really here

I'm somewhere up high

I guess I like to think

thats right close the door on me

I'm like that tomato you dropped

now bruised and battered in the inner flesh.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

16 years old

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