Simplicity Walks Hand in Hand With the Divine

Simplicity walks hand in had with the divine.

Eyes are said to be windows, portals

Into the very hearts of man and beast.

Yours push me, lead me into an oblivion

Of wondering stars, trailing galaxies

And moons upon moons.

How hard it is to be torn between

The world I live in and the very Heaven

In which I am placed when in your presence,

Carried by the chariot which is your

Angelic voice. The face of Helen would cast

A thousand ships to battle over beauty

When your own would cast thrice that

Across the world for little recourse save

The ability to claim to have done it for you.

It is harder than the marble face of David

To describe what it is you strike into my heart

With trained chisel and steady hand.

Lest the words which pour from my

Own mouth drive you away from me

The granite and sand foundation upon which

I stand quakes in your presence, as you

Move all that is me. Cast me back to

The shadows from when I came when

Your light is weary of casting upon

This hardened shell the warmth

And radiance of the sun.

Let your hand find my own

So that I may hold that which is you.

Let your lips meet my own

So that I may taste that very ambrosia which is you.

Let your eyes gaze into my own

So that I may but glance through the window

Of the angel whom has graced me with her


Simplicity walks hand in hand with the divine,

And it could not make me happier.

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