Dear Boy

love crap

I'm writing because I'm missing the security I feel as you hold me in your arms, the flutter in my stomach everytime you look at me with those eyes. I spend everyday wishing you weren't so far away and that you hadn't been sent away, yet being thankful that you ended up here with me and that we had the time we did. I will remember every night whether my days off, when i snuck out, and the nights in the parking lot. Every one of them was the best night, because I feel my best when you are with me. With you, I am myself, and at my happiest. I know that we are separated by many miles, but it's not so far... for I will visit at every chance I get and my emotions will travel the great distance. I can't describe how giddy I become when I hear from you or even talk about you. You make me smile, and laugh, and your absence has made me cry. You make me whole. I'm yours for however long you may want me. Don't forget me, or the other half of my heart which I've given to you.

Always yours,


Author's Notes/Comments: 

a love letter

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