
Everyone in the world

Has a mind of their own

Everyone in the world

Can try what they’re shown

So now lets think

About taking control

We’ve all lived a hard day

We’ve all taken that stroll

How many of us can say

That we’re never upset

How many of us can say

There’s not a thing we regret

Pretty hard to believe

With life’s poignant mutation

Annually there’s some new growth

Sometimes a hard situation

Everything happens

For a significant reason

It’s not some cosmic change

Or some god-like alternation

When this happens

With every twist and turn

We must understand

From this we can learn

Learn and take control

Your environment you make

Think of what you see

Help your mind to awake

Taking control

What does this mean

Could it be standing up

Or something unseen

Think for a moment

What’s truly going on

When you want vehement action

Is good always the spawn

There is one way

Good is always the product

Set your mind in Zen

Allow it to absorb and construct

You can do it anywhere

No monk training needed

Because it’s the state of mind your in

That will determine if you succeeded

Don’t do the humming

Don’t sit all weird

Focus your thoughts into one

Make your mind veered

Take your situation

Understand the encumbrance

Will you allow it to bother

Or learn from your condense

Think out of the ordinary

Nothing is too abstract

The human mind is a maze

And realization has lacked

Realize what’s going on

How is this also you

Don’t just brush it off and go

Think about it and construe

Take control

But don’t use command

Use your own thoughts

And learn to understand

Why is the event happening

Is this really a reflection

Because cause and effect is inevitable

We need to learn this connection

Take a look at your environment

What is happening below superficiality

Do things seem constantly unhappy

Or have this effervescent vitality

We all envy others

At work or at school

But did you know

You hold that same tool

Whatever you see

Is a reflection of you

It could be good or bad

But you have it too

It’s the natural law

Some call the Mystic

That helps us utilize

Our unknown logistic

When something causes an impediment

Take the time to realize and relish

The fact that you can now see

The problem in yourself and embellish

When one can see this

Act it through every event

Take control of their life

Appreciate bad with true intent

That’s the moment you know

You can control

Any possible strife

Inspired by: My own profound thoughts

Dedicated to: Anyone with a spirit/soul/hope/goal

Created on:  June 27, 2007 - 0149

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