
I walk through bus doors

Eyes pounding

Pounding, POUNDING!

They just keep on staring

Watching my every move

Examining my worth in their standard

Diminishing my existence

With each flaw that they find

I walk out of these doors

Into another I pass

Only mere eyes to stroll by

More diminishing by the mass

Groups everywhere

Laughing and having fun

But it stops

They stare

Another group I am shunned

I can't take it anymore

Make the eyes stop staring

Make the judgment die off

Stop it! STOP IT!

Let there be peace in the world


Stop all of the chauvinists!

Stop all of the prim Madonnas!

Stop all of the "dark-walkers"

Stop the religious pressure!

Racism, racism

Judge, judge

Evaluate and forget

Oh god my body

No! Oh existence

My life!

Spare me these pains

Let my soul drift with the rains

Allow me the freedom

Which my forefather's sought

Leave behind all the slaves,

The religions,

The hate,

The racism

And war

Give me my freedom

But allow my peace

To intervene and dwell

Freedom shall ring from this gun


Created on: March 25, 2006 - 12:48

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