
Emily Rose Pellam, oh how relaxing it is to pass this name through my lips.

Like the moon to the ragging ocean, you calm my clashing waves of stress.

You will never know how I want to massage your body with my fingertips

Emily Rose Pellam, how I wish my feelings for you I could confess

You made me realize how badly I wanted to explore this sexual side.

You always made me happy; that’s what I want in a relationship.

There was even one day when I broke down and cried,

Because it was so hard to not let my feelings slip.

In my own subtle ways I’ve learned to let you know how I feel.

Always being there for you when you needed comfort is one.

This way I’m still able to keep my heart in conceal.

Even though your feelings for me maybe none.

I think about you when I dream and when I’m awake.

I worry about you when I don’t see you at school or online.

When you’re in pain I wish to take away all of your ache.

I would do anything to make you mine.

I’d take a bullet for you even if we were just friends.

I value our relationship and I don’t want it to cease.

Maybe I’m just seeing through rose-colored lens,

But deep down inside I can feel it increase.

Even for a few days I wish we could be as a pair.

I could show you how happy I would make you!

I’d be at your every whim and give you tender loving care

But this dream of mine I’ll never be able to pursue.

Emily: Am I so insignificant? Isn’t something missing? Isn’t someone missing me? Even though I am the sacrifice!

You’re not insignificant. Something is missing; it's your other half. I am missing you. You are the sacrifice. I made you such a thing in my life. I had to sacrifice you in the equation of ‘us’ to keep our relationship just as friends.

Inspired by/ dedicated to: Emily R. Pellam

Created on: April 22, 2005

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