
And it has come back

The infamous dating scene

Where boy meets girl

But I’m in between

Something’s wrong with me

I can’t seem to commit

It’s not that I don’t want to

There’s just some mental fit

I’ll meet a nice guy

I think he’ll last a while

But for some reason in the middle

I find myself in beguile

I’m like a honeybee

Pollinating just one flower

But in a field of many

So hard to pick one to shower

Floating to and fro

So indecisive

As the guys come

As they go

And all up to me

Whether or not the time spent

Is for a little while

Or a long moment

But I seem to cut them short

Either at first or not long after

And I can’t find what’s wrong with me

That causes this disaster

I may just be too picky

Or really afraid to commit

But whatever the problem is

This really needs to quit

I can’t find the right person

If my actions keep being stupid

And can’t wait for what I want

Oh why these questions Cupid?

Inspired by: Myself and my “love life”

Dedicated to: Every guy/girl I’ve hurt for these reasons

Created on:  October 23, 2006 – 22:58

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