
Two people in existence

A man comes up behind

A random kiss placed along her neck

Yet the casualty felt refined

The young female

Coiled her hand in grasp

As he placed another kiss

She held a tighter clasp

He moved below her ear

Placed another random kiss

His free hand moved to her waist

As she closed her eyes with bliss

He ran his genteel hand comfortingly

On her stomach to-and-fro

As she pulled him gently closer

In a welcoming bestow

Her arm ran along his

His hand grazed slight her breast

He kissed her lips gently

She gave into his request

Her lips met his

With bestial tongue teasing

He then gently did return

The act for her pleasing

At this exotic moment

It came across to her

Despite all the great commons

They're coupling could not occur

Her lips pulled away

A solemn look in her eye

The man admired back curiously

The younglady had no reply

She took her hand from his

Backed away from his caress

As they watched each other standing

Their moment becomes abyss

Inspired by: Myself and Thomas Vanriper

Created on: August 31, 2006 - October 17, 2006 - 23:16

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