My Friend's Shoes

My friend Jack is truly a very peculiar person. To paint a picture of him, he is a tall, thin guy with huge feet. If you see him standing up sideways, he looks like a capital L because of them. He barely has any consideration for his own appearance, and most of his clothes are simply comfortable, and he wears them until they start to have huge holes on them. Once he even patched up his favorite pair of pants, not really doing a good job at this, and continued to wear them for months. My other friends call him a fashion don't, because he has a habit of dressing in the dark and not looking in the mirror afterwards. Once, he wore plaid printed shorts with a plaid printed shirt, which we have never let him live down since. One of his biggest fashion-don'ts is, of course, his pair of big, brown tennis shoes which he wears every single day and of which, for some reason, he constantly sends me pictures via different media like Whatsapp, Facebook, etc, and it is also a common thing for me to mysteriously and unexpectedly find hundreds, yes, hundreds of pictures on my cell phone of his shoes. Yes, those shoes have, indeed been through a lot. Once, he bought me a ticket to go see a musical and since I was running a little late and he didn't want to miss the beginning of it, he thought the most sensible thing to do would be to leave the ticket inside of one of his shoes right under a tree by the entrance of the theater instead of, you know, leaving it at the ticket booth under my name, which I repeatedly suggested in vain. Ironically, he did end up missing the beginning of the show because I called him to ask him where my ticket was and wouldn't believe him when he told me where he had left it. You can imagine how awkward it was to enter the show with a big brown tennis shoe in my hand, and I cannot imagine how it must have been for him to enter wearing only one shoe. To be honest, I don't really think he cared much, which is a big aspect of his personality to constantly do weird things in inappropriate places like an uninhibited maniac, or a little kid. Sure, some people try to convince him to go shopping and get new clothes, but his apparel is part of who he is, and his clothes show the adventurous life he likes to live, and his easygoing personality, He hates going shopping and when he does, he buys only fancy clothes which he never finds occasion to use, but when the stars align and this happens, he exchanges his huge brown tennis shoes for a pair of huge, black dress shoes that further enhance his L-ness. But the greatest thing about all of this, is that he is true to who he is no matter how many people pressure him to dress "correctly". Once you get to know him, his personal style starts to look charming in its own weird way, just like him when you get past his weirdness.



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