Life's Relentless Path

(Life's Relentless Path)

Mello in it’s present grace

my eyes have succumb to beauty.

From what is pure, unfamiliar words race through my heart and mind.

A new life has been created, a new life that is love.

Let love see me well to the end is your promise

but we know life and it’s faults.

Danger came from love but so did the chambers that hold it.

Never again will I look back on the past,

but how will I learn from my future mistakes?

Given the torch I see the shortness of the wick

and weep for the time I have left.

It would never have to be like this,

but how else will the road split so we can see the darker path of life?

It all seems to come together if you were never together to begin with.

For my mind wonders in your soul and climbs the mountain of thoughts

that you’ve shared with me.

As I reach the top I gasp for fresh pure air,

dizziness attacks my mind and I fall back

onto the heartless bank that flows through you.

Surprised to awake unraveled

that same air lingers at my feet.

“How can this be!?” I scream at the mountains.

What makes this right and why am I wrong?

Can it be, that I will never truly stay at the top of life’s mountain?

Pain grabs the heart I once had and drops it once again on the path.

Give up or give in to your viscous ways.

Does that make the light shine brighter

when we travel down the dark and unfamiliar path?

We will never know the pain that the mountain hides

but we can hear the shrill screams that echo from it’s belly.

Forgive it if your mind is to weak to continue the travel

but don’t ever turn your back on the darkness.

For what creeps behind the shadows will consume you in time.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reflection upon my life so far. Will I ever see beyond The Mountain?

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