Sun Darts

"I often stand outside, eyes closed,

throwing darts at the sun."

Today I got lifted up

by winds whose reasons were unclear.

I kissed the cosmos -

dipped wet tongue into clouds.

And I've seen seas go grayscale --

white glowing crest tips on blackened waves.

I bathe in the oil and cream

not discerning which is more clean.

You'd kill me because

my philosophy books are collecting dust on the shelves,

and I'm outside

playing catch with Satan, as you would call it.

You'd drill me because

I'm not nose-deep in the fundamentals,

smelling your shit.

Relegated to the so called essentials.

For I sense aural receptors

in eyes.

And I see pearly clouds

fluffed against black night skies.

I deconstruct and smell perfumes

fume per fume,

and break up words

like cracked coccoons.

An out of place buffoon

indulged in the petty,

throwing confetti around in a room...

A pen and a playground.

Say now, wouldn't you like to draw monkey bars?

Wouldn't you like to throw funky tar

on the tile and call it art?

I eat lobster head and rabbit tail

and make Digital T.V. sales to the homeless...

The party's just begun...

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