
The words try and fail are pretty sketchy words in my opinion.  If you try to do something, you leave room for failure.  Also if you do something and you don't get the outcome you expected, that does not mean you have failed.

Lets start with the concept of the word try.

We'll start by picking out a task that takes some effort to complete, such as opening a jar or putting on makeup.  Usually the words that come out of your mouth, or are thought in your head are, "I'll TRY to open the jar," or, "I'll TRY to put on my makeup."   Do you usually succeed?  No.  Why?  Trying leaves room for failure if you don't do something perfectly.  You could try, try, and try again, still coming out with no results or a different outcome than you expected.  

Now let's say you want to lose weight.  I am using this because it is what I am doing now.  You'll say to yourself that Monday you'll TRY to lose weight, you will TRY to count your calories and go to the gym.  Will you succeed in TRYING to lose weight?  No.  There are some cases that people "try" to lose weight and succeed, but trying is a big downfall, in my opinion.   You have to just get up and go do it.  You have to count calories, not eat unhealthy food, and workout.  Like Nike says, Just Do It.  

Now let's discuss the word failure.

Failure is defined is, "an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful."  Let's continue with the weight loss discussion.  If you count your calories and workout daily you should lose weight, perhaps a pound or two a week (which is the healthy way to losing weight).  Now, if you have an off week and don't lose anything or even gain weight - that does not mean you have failed.  The outcome did not come in the way you expected, but you learned what you have done wrong, and now can come up with a way to do better the next week.  

The word failure allows people to give up,whether it is giving up on a diet, or perhaps a dream.  With anything in life giving up is not what we want to happen, so forget about the word failure.  Pretend as if it does not exist.  Go ahead and do whatever you are going to do, and if you don't succeed in the way you want, just work harder.  It does not matter the effort you put in, as long as you are doing something and going for your goals.  If you want something, you can't try - you have to do it, and not let failure be an option.

Still not convinced?

When you stop TRYING so hard and just do something, it will come more naturally.  If you stop trying to lose weight and instead just make up your mind to eat healthier,and workout regularly- it will start to work for you.

A final thought that  I want to leave you with is, as the Jedi Master Yoda says,  


                     "Do, or do not.  There is no TRY."

Thank you all for reading, hope this left you with something to think about!

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