:-:Hopeless Tomorrow:-:

Go back to your normal lives,

theres nothing more to see here

The story is over and done with

No pretty pictures,

no more hope for tomorrow

Just a heart locked up

because of all the sorrow

Go back to your normal lives,

theres nothing more to see here

The song stopped playing long ago

The lyrics don't mean a thing anymore

Just a dead soul lurking in the shadows

Waiting for the sun to rise

on another hopeless tomorrow

Go back to your normal lives,

theres nothing more to see here

The smiles have disappeared into the unknown,

Where frowns are all that show

Just a broken person who is tired of the pain

and  hopes for a tomorrow full of the beautiful rain

Go back to your normal lives,

theres nothing more to see here

Just the ending of the page

Where dancers stop their dance,

and actors walk off the stage

Just another part of life ending

on another hopeless day

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