My Saving One

October 2006

You saved me.

You saved me life.

You saved me from the dark.

You were my fire.

You were my passion.

You were my desire.

You were my distraction.

You were the little spark.

You stole my heart,

yet I gladly gave you the keys.

You were my smile, my laughter.

My comfort my tears.

You held me close

yet brought me so many fears.

You were always there,

but some days you were distant.

When all I wanted to do was give up

you were right there

to stop me from jumping off of the ledge. You made me feel on edge.

Other times,

you made me feel comfortable

I just wonder what tomorrow

Holds for us weary souls

Will we let go of regret

Will we forget our sorrows

Will we wake up one day

And wonder how we ever fell in love

Or will we be each others forever

Shining brightly from up above

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