For The Best?

I never wanted us to end

I would have done everything I could

Just to make you stay

That was how I always felt

So why did I let you go so easily,

Without a fight

I just wanted to make you happy with all my might

So maybe that is why I am alone every  night

But there is no use in crying

The tears will no longer come

Inside I am frozen and numb

and it is time for me to run

Get away from this place

Get away from your memories,

your gentle embrace

It is time for me to do all the things

that I never could have if we had just settled down

I am just ready to go out for a night in the town

Dancing and prancing

Just not ready for one forever romancing

I never wanted us to end

But maybe it is for the best

Maybe after all of this

the heartbreak was just a test

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