I Feel...

I feel sick, I feel cheated

Somewhat awful, downright defeated

They have heard my story but they misunderstand

What really goes in my hands

I feel hurt, I feel depressed

This time it is different than all the rest

They say they understand and know how I feel

But I don't think they know what is really real

I feel left out, so unwanted

I never knew it but I feel jaded

They see the tears and they walk the other way

They don't bother anymore to tell me it will be okay

I feel betrayed, I feel sorrow

Like I should give up all my tomorrows

I doubt anyone would care or notice if I was gone

I see no point in moving on

I feel bad, but I could feel worse

My life is just a curse

I have no purpose, I am just a mistake

I feel the guilt with every step I take

I feel awful, close to dead

So I will just go back to bed

I will pray that in the morning I won't wake

because that would be another mistake

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