From Within, The Story of A Life

Ghostly pale, devoid of emotion,
Nothing left but the vastness of the ocean.
Mirrored images gathering closer,
Threatening to steal the truth, the person under.
Nothing seen, but nothing heard,
Everything known, but nothing learned.
Crying, but no one ever knowing why,
Locked up inside, locked up within a mind.
Everything to lose, but nothing to gain,
What is a life wasted in vain?
Only a shattered memory in time,
A silence, a pause, a riddle, but yet a rhyme.
Can everyone see, but never really know,
How gentle a soul can be, how it yearns to grow.
Thinking the worst even when it's not meant to be,
The story of a life..... The story of me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I found this poem in an old folder of mine I'd forgotten about. It's a few years old but I thought I'd post it anyone.

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