A Child Unborn

I still remember that day vividly

I had just sat down at my desk

Eager to prove myself in my new position

I was a few minutes early so I decided to check Facebook

As I scrolled the endless self-centered needy posts of every cyber friend I had

I saw one from my real friend's mom

She's a wonderful soul

She lets me call her mom and bakes me a cake every year

Her post was rather lengthy

And rather tragic

You see my real friend was about to be a father

He was so excited (I remember that day as well)

He had this new found purpose about him that was almost palpable

I was excited too.

Maybe I could be a real life godfather instead of pretending to be Marlon Brando and trying to talk funny

Anyway, that wasn't real important to me but still a nice thought

So I read the post and again and again

Then I realized this is real not April fool's day or a dream...well nightmare

My friend had just lost his new found purpose

There would be no cigars or baby clothes or teaching of bad habits

My friend's wife had a miscarriage

While I know this happens all the time

It doesn't happen to the people I love

It doesn't happen to good people who will provide a good home

But apparently it does...

Apparently, while I fuck around and make two beautiful, relatively healthy children

And have no business raising them while I'm still a child myself

The all-powerful "Oz" decides they won't be joining the world of parenthood just yet

I guess "Oz" decided they weren't worthy of bringing an image of himself into this world

Let's take this child from a good, loving family and get another welfare bitch knocked up

Let's show the world I do exist and continue to fuck over the truly good people

Fuck you "Oz"!!!

Fuck you because I know my friend

I know his spirit is broken

I know his heart is shattered and those fragments are piercing his very soul

But I know my friend

I know he will rise from this stronger and more determined to prove your "all knowing" ass wrong

I know he will forever love the miracle that almost was

But most of all, I know my friend has love

He has a wonderful family and the best "Oz" damn friend you could ever have

I know one day the pitter-patter of tiny little feet will roam his hallways

And when they do

I hope I'm here to see it and not sitting on a mantle somewhere


But either way, I'll be smiling right along with him.

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