Eye of the Storm

Extended Metaphors

My moods changed without warning~

no caution given to evacuate

the shore before emotional waves

crashed against the seawall.

I was consumed by these forces

though beyond my control

overflowing from the embankment~

no levee could hold back

the surge of sorrow

nor the aftermath of anguish.

Though my exterior was volatile,

my heart was peaceful,

remembering that the winds

would soon die down

and normality would be restored.

Rewrite 2012

My moods changed without warning~

no caution given to evacuate
the shore before emotional waves
crashed against the seawall.

I was consumed by these forces
though beyond my control,
overflowing from the embankment~

no levee could hold back
the surge of sorrow
nor the aftermath of anguish.

Though my exterior was volatile,
my heart was peaceful,

remembering that the winds
would soon die down
and normalcy would be restored.

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