Lost Trepidation of the Desolate

Not tending to seem to be intricated
When my affection has been cadent,
Because my only heart is dedicated
As I propose a love so latent;
Each moment I strive for an airt
To the threshold out of loblolly,
I acquire reluctant to view self fared
And no foundation of my soul grows a holly.

That was my trepidation and the fear
Which for years had haunted me
Day and night while I wept a tear
In timorous search for a jubilee;
Now those lachymose dusk are gone,
The merit of your impeccable heart
Has made an alcove where I'm not alone,
I am more labile when I was ajar.

Desolate I am no longer;
Thanks to you, with whom I am akin;
You've made me stronger
And I feel so loved again;
I have overcome this you
And I can now grow an ilex,
Because my dream has come true
As we await all that come next.

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