Just Maybe

I am a gentleman like any other man today,
And I have the right to be loved or to love;
I am not intending to be rude with this to say,
But I am longing for once to be thought of.

I am intelligent, attractive, and quite young,
And I deserve to see this world first-hand;
I am not trying to be manish by doing wrong,
But I just yearn for this way to understand.

I am most likely to get hurt out there,
But I know with what you taght me
That I am ready to go out and give care
To someone noble whom have sought me.

Just maybe in this superficial world,
I can encounter idealism of true love,
And return to you, mother, with a girl,
Then say I can thank you just enough.

Just maybe in this synthetic realm,
I can become a husband and a father,
With the sword of love I hold at the helm,
As you kiss your infantine granddaughter.

Just maybe in this reditious place,
I can convey the hope of a romantic,
And you begin the joy in my face,
Instead getting go very much so frantic.

Just maybe I am worth it and more;
Just maybe I may get hurt wherever I go;
Just maybe I may find someone I adore,
But it is my choice and if I fail, I will let you know.

Just maybe, mother, just maybe;
Let me find out how hard it is my way,
Because I am no longer that little baby
That once could not find a word to say.

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