


You ain’t just whistling Dixie.  There was a riot going on in the Township.  Everyone thought things could be brought to a head without violence.  Wishful thinking!  That is not the human way.  That is not the American Way.  We want blood and we want it now.


It all started out over something stupid.  Someone had a really petty gripe about something else.  No one even remembers just how it all got started.  But lines were quickly drawn in the sand and teams were swiftly established.  A war was now underway,


Things started getting out of hand when Bobbie Ray thru a Molotov cocktail through Mrs. Glickney’s window.  She was a harmless old coot; never bothered a soul.  Suffice to say that many were outraged at such a cowardly attack as that.  Those Jackson boys have no breeding.  No class to them whatsoever.


And I just bet that no good Huckleberry Quinn had his filthy fingers in this vile act.  No one ever trusted that boy right from the start.  There were always those certain rude boys out there.  They didn’t get a proper upbringing.  They needs some spankings when they was growing up.  They never learned proper manners and we’re all the poorer for it.



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