Ah, I’m no Kerouac

I’ve been assured

of that

everyone says

I got talent—

at least those

not in the know

that really seems

to be my problem

I’ll convince

the lathe worker

(after buying him

a few beers)

I convince the 45 year old

female bartender

with a nice ass

and a coy, sheepish smile


but I don’t ever

get in with the right scene

I ain’t part

of the old boy network

of White Hetero males

and I ain’t

politically correct enough

to get federal funding


I drink too much

I smoke marijuana

It’s rumored that

I masturbated

once or twice

I wear ugly clothes

mind way way gone


but I convince

a few co-workers

and bar buddies

none of whom

have ever actually

seen my writing

just accept my word

on good faith


I convince a girl

I screwed in the back seat

Of an old car

(tho I did write her

a so so poem

about fleeting passion)


I convinced my dog

and a Septa bus driver

after a few beers

I convince myself

though I’m certainly not

the next Kerouac

or the next Ginsberg


but since I don’t

really have other plans

I might as well

just continue along

in this vein

figuring that eventually

I just might be

able to actually impress

some of the right people



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