

Pebbles of sand fill

                        my time

                as days

                   and nights

        go passing by


It is an easy thing

                        to fall

            to the plentiful


               we are sold


It is not so easy to try—

                   to try

            to rise above

and see the true night; true day


Elements of loneliness echo

                              in my skull

                                    your skull

everyone’s skull


The depression of the morning

                               on a cloudy day

                     no sun come

             to give us light

shelter from the dark


Shelter denied us as

                  the violet trees

            don’t fluoresce

      in the dimly lit afternoon


False dreams are given us

                     and we accept

blindly unaware


Faded nightmares wear

                             and tear

        in the desolate shopping center

Angels fall thru the clouds

                 Heavens begin

            to collapse nothing

to believe in anymore


The dreams collide in the sky

                       clashing colors

                   in the sky

none to stand anymore


Hallowness pervades

                      our monetary gains

Endless desperation clouds

           our lonely desperation


The end might come

            it might end

                our lives our dreams


Madison Avenue selling it


Yuppies buying it

                  junkies shooting it

          criminals living it


and it is here





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