

October night

        with the mystique

              of Baudelaire

         spread over

                  too warm

               Autumn air


Feeling unnatural

             as sweat beads


           upon my brow


the songs, they do

          play on

      in spite of themselves


music fills the air

           with the chants

                   of seraphim

         resounding across

               the tubular skies


The bells chime in unison

                      to the beating

               of the heart


but the pulse

               is slowed

         and derailed

           by nagging doubt

that remains persistent


a perfumed scent

          silhouettes the air

     arousing mystic yearning

            for the far off

         places of yonder


yet unobtainable

      yet endlessly chased
a human comedy

               of errors

    that is perhaps better

        than a tragedy of errors


It’s still too early

              in the evening

       and the Baudelairean

              jinx has

                  been lifted


I can read

the poetry free

             of any doubts


It is all in there


             My Rimbaud

                       is faltering

                  my Sartre



yet I am still

             granted asylum

          to the school

        of varnished poetics


The fire is still


       burning crisply

              in Autumn air

                 though waning

               just a tad


It still rages

       the muses still call

                  and I am

                     as yet

           their faithful



I do their bidding

             without question

                  without thought


until I rebel

   and try to make

           them mine


that is when it

          really starts

      to get interesting


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