I use to be lost

I use to be lost

I use to

be lost for

so long wonder

where I was

going to lose.

I used to

be lost for

so long and

I did not

know which way

I was going to.

That’s when

the path shows

the angels light

and that is

when the dark

path started to fade.

I use to

be lost for

so long wondering

when I was

find my change

and now this

angel sent me

on the right path.

The angel has

helped a way

to the Lord

and the pastor

that helps me understand.

I use to

be lost for

so long wondering

how I could

change because I

was thinking I

might be going

down the wrong path.

Now I feeling

I am going

in the right way.

-Gene Conner

April 23, 2007

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