As beautiful as the rainbow

As beautiful as the rainbow

You are as beautiful as the

rainbow after it has rain.

Your eyes are blue as clear sky

on sunny day.

They are bright and beautiful.

The way the light hits your

hair it looks an angel halo.

you are as beautiful as the most

beautiful sunset on clear night.

The way you go to my heart

is doing something to me.

You always getting

more beautiful

every day.

Even through I am not sure

if we are together or

really good friends.

It is God sent you down to

me but I donot know.

You are as beautiful as the

rainbow after it has rain.

I donot anything sweet to

sugar high because I got you

to do that.

Your blue eyes shows the

beautiful soul that you got.

If it was a crime to be

as beautiful as you u would

be guilty as charged.

Beautiful as rainbow

in summertime

that is rare.

That is as beautiful that you

are to me.

-gene Conner

August 8, 2005

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