Are You an angel

If I could hold you in my arms

while listen to music.

Would you want me to stay

and we drift away or would you get up and leave.

If I reach for you would you reach for me

 or just walk away.

I sometime want to know

 what it would have been like to fall in love.

The light on your dark hair makes a halo.

Are you an angel?

To me you are an angel

 that makes me smile all the time.

 I would look into those beautiful brown eyes

 as I held you close in my arms.

I would let me get lost in them as I felt our hearts as one.

 I would slowly kiss your neck just to show what you mean to me.

If I could hold you in the moonlight as we spend the night listening to the crickets.

 Would you want to stay or would you want to leave.

It seem every time I see you it seems like you just get more beautiful.

 If I had a chance I would show you what you mean to me.

 I would not want to leave and always want to be with you.

Are you angel because you are beautiful like one.

I know we are only friends

 but sometime I want to know

what it felt like to have you in my arms.

 I donot know how it might have end up

but I can do one.


I know I can make you smile no matter what.

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