this is not a winning game piece

out of a box of tea comes

the ironic carpe diem of whimsy

i am not the winner

i wasn't before the last tea bag went

into the pot to make a pitcher

of iced orange peak

but i now have the rules that

point out: no purchase is necessary

and that a purchase

would not have increased

my chances of not having

the winning game piece

valuable information that i only have

because i bought the box of tea a year ago

for the cuteness of the bear on the cover

i am not

the owner of a beautiful diamond necklace

with the word beautiful being redundant

my odds of winning, not with the

you are not a winner card

but with or without the purchase

of possible winning boxes of tea

is one in 29,000

though i do not know what

my odds really are

now that i am realizing i found

the no win card

15 months after the contest was over

so i have to conclude

i can't really calculate my chances

of being the winner, i am not

or my odds of winning what

i never knew i didn't want

until this moment

but, i think, i will find a way to move on

and drink my tea

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